My favorite HR Posts for the week
Here are some of my favorite HR posts from the week of July 29, 2022! Check them out. As the month comes to a close (wow! the Summer is zooming by…) here are a few of my favorites posts from this week. Great leadership tips from a couple of great sources. Enjoy!
This one from @greggvanourek is so relevant. What do you think? Have you been there? I know I have.
The Mental Prisons We Build for Ourselves
I am constantly talking about goals and development. Another one of my favorite posts is from @leadershipfreak providing tips to break down your development goals and focus on how to achieve them. THIS!
How to Choose A Dynamic Self-Development Goal
Last but not least…
This post is my abosolute favorite of the week. There is simply no place for arrogance in leadership, business, really anywhere. Arrogance is so damaging to others. And yes…”Everything good in leadership begins with humility” a priceless and spot-on quote from @leadershipfreak. Well done!
Thank you all so much for reading. Have a great weekend! I hope you get some great ideas and tips from these great HR and Leadership professionals.
Follow me for me for more great tips, some of my own and some from those I respect and follow.