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HR & Leadership: Favorite Posts of the Week

Check out some of my HR & Leadership: Favorite Posts of the Week, September 23, 2022. This weeks’ top hits for me are about Employee Monitoring (who wants or needs that?), Workplace Culture (always a heavy hitter) and finally, Leadership Legacy, how will you be remembered?

First up:

This one discussing employee monitoring. Are we really going there?


Employee Monitoring Shows a Lack of Trust

Next up: This one on employee culture.  This is a great article. Worth the read. Small changes matter. Move forward.


Finally – last on the list of favs for the week:

Consider what you will leave behind. What is your legacy? Great leaders will be remembered. Be great!

The Best Legacy a Leader Can Leave

Thanks for checking out my HR & Leadership: Favorite Posts of the Week.  Have a great weekend!