Does your organization have a successful goal setting strategy? If not, you can implement a successful goal deployment program in your organization. The idea of setting measurable goals is frightening to some but it can be very simple. There is no need to overcomplicate it.
Use this list to get your goal setting strategy started.
- Set the expectation of the goal – Expect results!
- Set measurable goals
- Set achievable goals
- Set target completion dates
- Set milestone dates
- Create goals with collaboration
- Practice and expect communication and trust
- Practice and expect transparency and honesty
- Provide a safe space for open conversations about goals
- Practice having respectful, meaningful conversations with others, even if those conversations are difficult
- Own your actions, behaviors and decisions
- Have regular follow-up meetings and conversations about progress
- Do not accept excuses. Allow only for solutions
- Be kind
- Keep accountability alive
- Practice! It takes time to achieve a successful goal deployment program
- Repeat!
Set meaningful goals! If the goal does not bring value to the employee or the business, what is the point?
Track progress.
Hold yourself and your team accountable for goals. If you are not accountable, how can you expect accountability from your team?
Dates are set for a reason. Adjust only if necessary. Do not allow for excuses.
If your team members are missing their goals, try to understand “why” and ask them what they need to be successful. Allow your team member(s) to offer solutions.